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from admin on 12/31/2013 03:40 AM

        We like music. Dozens of receptors in our brain respond to different musical aspects like tone, rhythm and lyrics, determining the qualities we personally like or dislike. Don't let music just go in one ear and out the other – learn how to interpret your brain's response to music, the benefits of listening to it and the importance of music education.
        Active music performance relies on a demanding action-perception-loop calling for long periods of focused attention on dynamic visual, auditory, and motor signals. You know that cognition is a group of mental processes that includes attention, memory, producing and understanding language, learning, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making, and it is a vital quality for students of different age groups. Positive relationships between playing an instrument and general cognitive abilities have been observed by many researchers. In a retrospective design with 6- to 11-year-old children, Schellenberg (2006) found a correlation between the duration of music lessons and performance in a verbal and non-verbal IQ test as well as school performance. The effects on IQ and on academic performance were still observable in undergraduates that had been trained to play an instrument in childhood. Forgeard, Winner, Norton, and Schlaug (2008) observed a relationship between playing an instrument and higher cognitive functions in a sample of forty-one 8- to 11-year-old children who had at least 3 years of musical instruction. Beside motor learning and enhanced melodic discrimination, the authors also found enhanced vocabulary and nonverbal reasoning scores.
        I hope that I make you understand why one should learn music. But why guitar?
        Because the guitar is a great and amazing instrument. It's fairly portable, relatively inexpensive, easy enough to learn the basics – and you can take your playing as far as you want. Lots of people – from kids to grandparents – learn the guitar every day. And you know in case of today's music, guitar is only one instrument which can fulfill most of the musical demands, the rhythm, the melody, the harmonization and more.
        Yes, it is easy enough to learn the basics of guitar but don't take it so much lightly. Every learning comprises of some rules, some disciplines, some habits, and without them no learning can be fulfilled. 

Reply Edited on 01/01/2014 07:44 AM.

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